Why Trees

Why Trees?

There is essential for a permanent group of experts outside the government and advocacy groups to support
forest policy formulation and implementation process on a perpetual basis. So following that our Non-Profit
organization emphasis the enhancement of the forest management practices to preclude the loss of
biodiversity and to reduce the practice of giving preference to certain species for their commercial
value and ignoring other species.

Together with your donations and aid, let’s restore Pakistan forests so that we all as inhabitants of the World,
can endure appreciating the natural beauty for us and coming generations.

With your aid, we will be benefited from the Restoration of the areas that are exaggerated by unwanted
wildfires and other perils. The donations will upsurge the biodiversity to look after the freshwater and soil
and to increase the dynamism of Pakistan populations

We ensure quality projects, Community and Social Benefits, Wildlife Protection and, Climate Change Bounciness.

Pakistan forests prerequisite vigorous administration appropriate to advance the health, reduce the risk of captain
wildfires and pest infestations, and protect beautiful natural land for future generations. Our amazing reforestation
partners effort with numerous state and federal forestry assistance programs as well as private landowners with
the philanthropic aim to recover the health and productivity of forest lands.

Due to the construction of dams and barrages to supply water to crops on millions of hectares, most of the forest
land is cleared. Urbanization, Building of Roads, Industrialization and, Overgrazing are the prime causes of
Deforestation in Pakistan. The amalgamation of low concentration and inclination in most recent years has
resulted in affectedly augmented tree mortality.

Tree Facts and Tree species

Pakistan faces immense problems of deforestation and forest degradation. Less than five percent of its total area is
under forests. The rate of deforestation of 1.5% is very high and alarming. Efforts aimed at combating deforestation
and increasing the forest area have failed to yield the desired results due to gaps in policy maker’s information,
financial and social constraints, and stakeholders’ lack of involvement in policymaking.

The original causes of deforestation in Pakistan

The ban imposed by the government on cutting trees has not prevented the timber mafia from their activities because
of political interference, theft, corruption, and lack of serious commitment on the part of the government to bring the
culprits to book. The timber traders are using all possible means to smuggle wood for short-lived gains

In KP poverty is one of the main factors of deforestation and one single illness in the household would push the family
into the poverty trap, compelling the people to resort to deforestation as a source of livelihood. Rich people are intricate
in the cutting and selling of trees in collusion with the timber mafia. The government has failed to eradicate poverty in
forest areas, and check fuel woodcutting by providing alternative means of livelihood. Moreover, forest management
approaches and laws are heavily tilted in favor of income generation and don’t consider the social and economic
conditions of the communities.

In Pakistan Poor communities consume available natural resources for their immediate survival in the absence of the
provision of gas and electricity or the availability of renewable sources of energy at affordable rates, wood is the only
source of energy for communities in hilly areas. Uncertain property rights and insecurity of tenure lead the poor to
resort to actions such as cutting trees. This evidence establishes the close correlation between poverty and deforestation.
